You are currently viewing Maxillary Anterior Veneers

Maxillary Anterior Veneers

Age: 50      Gender: Female

Chief Complaint:

The patient was unhappy with the spacing between her upper front teeth and hence her smile.

Clinical Findings:

  • The spacing between the upper front teeth

Alternative Treatment Plan:

  • Direct composite veneers
  • Indirect composite veneers
  • All ceramic crowns

Treatment Plan:

  • Ceramic veneers were given as it is a conservative approach, aesthetic, and durable.

Treatment Procedure:

  1. Preoperative photographs and models were fabricated.
  2. A digital analysis was made.
  3. Shade selection was made using vitapan classic shade guide.
  4. Mockup wax pattern was fabricated.
  5. Ceramic veneers were fabricated.
  6. A trial was carried out and patient consent was sought.
  7. Final cementation was done using resin luting cement.

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