Stay SafE


We use Natural & Organic antimicrobial solution Called ‘CITROBIOSHIELD’ For Fumigation.
So its 100% Safe.


 The active ingredient in the CITROBIOSHIELD is a organic citrus extract (Bioflavonoid Complex).

NANOFOG device Is Used.

NANOFOG is a liquid ULV fogger is used for spraying CITROBIOSHIELD in fine particle form for disinfection.

Frequently asked questions

Fumigation is the process of disinfecting or purifying an area with the fumes of certain chemicals.

At present, Formaldehyde / Glutaraldehyde / Hydrogen Peroxide / Hypochlorite based antimicrobial chemicals are being used for air, surface and instrument disinfection in many healthcare facilities. In 1981 Formaldehyde (Formalin) was deleted from the list of C D C (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) for its use as a chemical sterilant, because of its proven carcinogenicity and toxicity. Glutaraldehyde is a skin irritant, respiratory allergen and once it is activated, its shelf life is only 2 weeks. So the best alternative would be CITROBIOSHIELD disinfectant would be  a disinfectant which is organic yet effective.

  • The antibacterial action of Citrus Bioflavonoids is multifocal.
  • It has been proven that organic acids reduce the pH of bacterial cells, forcing them to divert their metabolic activity towards balancing pH.
  • This will result in a reduction of essential metabolic activity, resulting in killing the organism.
  • The antiviral effect of CITROBIOSHIELD is at the level of transcription as it has been proven to stop the replication of negativity stranded RNA viruses (reverse transcriptase) into virulent positive strands.
  • Due to its small molecular size and hydrophilic nature, it is established that CITROBIOSHIELD due to its combination of organic acids and bioflavonoids easily penetrate through the “influx channels” of Gram-negative bacteria and Mycobacterium making it a more effective disinfectant.

Usually we recommend the fumigation for once in 15 days.

What Our clients say

"Over more than three years we are getting fumigation done for our clinic using CITROBIOSHIELD disinfectant. It has been very helpful in safeguarding the health of our patients from cross infection."
"Now I feel much safe at home"
Home Maker

In Electonic Media - About This Organic Disinfectant

Our Clients

