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Ameloblastoma a Benign Tumour

Type of the case: Ameloblastoma a Benign Tumour Case.

Chief Complaint: Patient aged 57-year-old female visited our clinic with a chief complaint of swelling in the lower right back tooth region since  2-3 years.

Pre Operative:

Clinical Finding: Encapsulated lesion was seen in the right mandible, extending from right lower canine to right lower 1st molar region with significant buccal cortical plate expansion.

During The Procedure:

Treatment Plan: Under local anesthesia and sedation,cyst enucleation and curettage were planned using carnoys solution.

Treatment Procedure:

  • Preoperative OPG, CBCT, and clinical pictures were taken and biopsy was made.
  • Under local anesthesia and sedation with standard aseptic condition intraoral crestal incision was placed, lesion was exposed.
  • Enucleation and curettage was done using carnoys solution
  • Defect was closed using PRF
  • POST operative instructions were given along with antibiotics and analgesics were prescribed.
  • Regular follow up after 3 days was done until a month.
  • A second surgery was done as fibrous tissue was seen surrounding medial buccal wall and the entire specimen was sent for histopathological examination
  • The surgical site was curretaged using carnoys solution and closed using PRF.
  • Follow up was done after a day, 3 days, and 10 days, and even a plan of dental rehabilitation was explained.

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